Install BareOS client manually on Windows

Install BareOS client manually on Windows

Windows Manual installation of BareOS Client Software

This should resolve when you try to Update the client via the ClusterLogics GUI Update option and see results like:

unable to psexec: ERROR: Cannot connect to svcctl pipe. NT_STATUS_IO_TIMEOUT.
unable to psexec: operable program or batch file.

Please follow the below steps:

1. Download the Windows BareOS client installer from your Downloads area (top right drop-down menu on your GUI home screen) or from:
Win2K3 -
Win2K8+ -

2. Install it, leaving all default options (should just be client install selected).
2a. If an installer menu does not appear, open a command prompt and navigate to the folder where the installer is located. Run the following command to try and install it via command line:
.\winbareos-16.2.5-postvista-64-bit-r21.1.exe /s
IF this fails try the command:

.\winbareos-16.2.5-postvista-64-bit-r21.1.exe /disableoslimit

3. Once installed, open services.msc and stop the previous Bacula-fd service. You should see the new BareOS-fd service below it.

4. In your ClusterLogics GUI, go to Servers and locate the server. Click the gear cog icon, in order to show the configuration data. For Windows servers, choose Windows as server type. It will load the configuration data. Copy the data for next step.

5. On your server, go to BareOS installation folder at:


Create a new text file called:


5a. Make sure file extensions are set to viewable, so that you don't accidentally make a file named bareos-fd.conf.txt.

5b. Paste the config data you copied from the GUI into this file and save.

6. Double check that ClusterLogics firewall rule has the correct ports allowed for proper access:

From command line, run 'wf' to launch Windows firewall.

Click Inbound rule chain and locate the ClusterLogics rule. If it does not exist, create it.

Rule Name: ClusterLogics
Rule Type: port
Ports: 9102, 22, 135, 445

For additional security, restrict the IPs. Click on 'scope' tab within the rule options, and in the Remote IPs area, add the following:

6a. Ensure there is also an Outbound rule for ClusterLogics, allowing port 9103.

7. Restart the Bareos-fd service in services.msc to apply the new config you just saved from above.

8. In ClusterLogics GUI, locate the server again and click the red Update button. Supply Administrator user and password, as needed. Select PSExec method and it should be able to connect and run the update routine.

9. Go back to server list in ClusterLogics GUI, locate the server, and click the Backup Now icon to initiate a new backup. Select to run as Primary Job and initiate the job.

Contact our support team for questions regarding any of the above, or in case any issues arise after trying the above.

Common Issues:

445 not listen answer: Set-SmbServerConfiguration -EnableSMB1Protocol $true

Detailed Steps:

1. Download the Windows BareOS client installer from your Downloads area (top right drop-down menu on your GUI home screen) or from:

2. Install it, leaving all default options (should just be client install selected).

2a. If an installer menu does not appear, open a command prompt and navigate to the folder where the installer is located. Run the following command to try and install it via command line:
.\winbareos-16.2.5-postvista-64-bit-r21.1.exe /s
IF this fails try the command:
.\winbareos-16.2.5-postvista-64-bit-r21.1.exe /disableoslimit

3. Once installed, open services.msc and stop the previous Bacula-fd service. You should see the new BareOS-fd service below it.

4. In your ClusterLogics GUI, go to Servers and add the server. From Bacula4 GUI DashBoard:  

4a. Select Server Type > 
Physical server
Virtual server file level (vm attached to licensed HV)
Virtual Server Snapshot (attached to licensed HV)
Stand alone VM
If you dont know what kind of VM it is just Select "Stand alone VM" and click Next. Then Select OS as Windows do Next.
Give the IP and the hostname you want it to have in ClusterLogics.
Click on Close when done.

4b. Now Locate the Server you just added from the Servers Section on the Left Pane, Click the gear cog icon, in order to show the configuration data. For Windows servers, choose Windows as server type. It will load the configuration data. Copy the data for next step.

5. On your server, go to BareOS installation folder at:


Create a new text file called:


5a. Make sure file extensions are set to viewable, so that you don't accidentally make a file named bareos-fd.conf.txt.

5b. Paste the config data you copied from the GUI into this file and save.

5c. Restart the bareos service after saving the file bareos-fd.conf If the service restart fails this means that the config file is not right so repeated the steps 5 , 5a & 5b

6. Double check that ClusterLogics firewall rule has the correct ports allowed for proper access:

From command line, run 'wf.msc' to launch Windows firewall.

Click Inbound rule chain and locate the ClusterLogics rule. If it does not exist, create it.

Rule Name: ClusterLogics
Rule Type: port
Ports: 9102, 22, 135, 445
as shown from

====== Skip this step for now we can come back to it later once the bareos is working correctly and without any issues =====
For additional security, restrict the IPs. Click on 'scope' tab within the rule options, and in the Remote IPs area, add the following:

6a. Ensure there is also an Outbound rule for ClusterLogics, allowing port 9103.

7. Restart the Bareos-fd service in services.msc to apply the new config you just saved from above.

After all This the BareOS client will come online If the server is still showing as offline then it means that the ClusterLogics GUI is not able to connect to the bareos client -- this is mostly due to the firewall so please repeat the Step#6 and try again.

7a. Then in the Bacula4 GUI you can RUN a Wizard from the magic-stick icon infront of the server name to adjust the settings acc. to the backup nature of this machine as shown from

7b. Setup the server retention period and Pool etc. and click on Add icon from the bottom.
Default Options for File Level backup would be:

Skip This Step for Win2k12 (updated version) and Win2k16
8. In ClusterLogics GUI, locate the server again and click the red Update button. Supply Administrator user and password, as needed. Select PSExec method and it should be able to connect and run the update routine.

9. Go back to server list in ClusterLogics GUI, locate the server, and click the Backup Now icon to initiate a new backup. Select to run as Primary Job and initiate the job.

Contact our support team for questions regarding any of the above, or in case any issues arise after trying the above.

Common Issues:

445 not listen answer: Set-SmbServerConfiguration -EnableSMB1Protocol $true

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